Portuguese Golden Visa

Live the dream wherever you want.

Ranked 6th in Global Passport Power and access to 26 European Countries

Visa-free access to the EU’s Schengen Area

121 visa-free, 45 tourist card, 7 pre-enrollment 90 days, 25 visa required

Freedom to live, study and work in the EU

Portuguese citizenship allows you to live, study and work

anywhere in the EU/EEA

3 Generations Included

Under the main applicant of the golden visa, his spouse, children and parents are included in one application

Non-habitual Tax relief

No tax treaties between Portugal and the Philippines.

No double taxation

Business Investments

Invest in one of the up and coming Real estate Markets

Low Residency Requirements

A golden visa holder only needs to stay 14 days every 2 years in Portugal in order to be able to swear as a citizen in 5 years & A2 Language Proficiency.

Portugal Overview

In a 2020 article, Forbes Magazine cited The International Living Top 10 list where Portugal was ranked first as the Best Place to Retire.

Portugal has 92.931 square kilometers and 1.794 kilometers of coastline along the Atlantic Ocean. Its inhabitants enjoy the same weather as Mediterranean countries like Italy, Spain and Greece with warm summers and moderate winters.

It is ranked 6th safest country in the world by the Global Peace Index. Healthcare is affordable and excellent and is ranked 12th by the World Health Organization in 2020.

In major cities such as Lisbon, Porto and Algarve, there are many English speaking Portuguese people. The cost of living is considered one of the cheapest in Western Europe.

There are three international airports and 68,732km of roads. A high-speed rail connects the major cities of Portugal from the city of Braga in the North all the way to Faro in the South.

There are 51 international schools in Portugal.

Read more about how we can help you and your family in your journey to obtain the Golden Visa.